Paper on selection of target CECs published
The SERPIC consortium has selected six target compounds of emerging concern (CEC) that will be investigated during the long-term field test of the treatment prototype. A scientific paper describes the methodology of the selection.
The methodology is based on four criteria: CEC occurrence, persistence, bioaccumulation and toxicity. The results were already reported in our public Deliverable report D1.1 Target CECs. Additionally, the consortium has prepared a peer-reviewed scientific paper that has been published in the journal Science of The Total Environment – STOTEN:
Verlicchi, Paola ; Grillini, Vittoria ; Lacasa, Engracia ; Archer, Edward ; Krzeminski, Pawel ; Gomes, Ana Isabel ; Vilar; Vitor J.P. , Rodrigo; Manuel A. ; Gäbler, Jan ; Schäfer, Lothar (2023): Selection of indicator Contaminants of Emerging Concern when reusing reclaimed water for irrigation – A proposed methodology. In: Science of The Total Environment, 873, p. 162359.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162359
It is a green open access paper, i.e. the manuscript will be put to a repository after a certain period so that it can be accessed open access. We will announce it here.